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Dröes, R-M., van Rijn, A., Rus, E., Dacier, S., & Meiland, F. (2019). Utilization, effect, and benefit of the individualized meeting centers support program for people with dementia and caregivers. Clinical interventions in aging14, 1527-1553. https://doi.org/10.2147/CIA.S212852

Van Rijn A., Meiland F., & Dröes, RM. (2019) Linking two new E-health caregiver interventions to meeting centres for people with dementia and their carers; a process evaluation, Aging & Mental Health, DOI: 10.1080/13607863.2019.1617243

Van Mierlo LD, Chattat R, Evans SB, Brooker D, Saibene FL, Gamborini G, Farina E, Scorolli C, Szcześniak D, Urbańska KM, Rymaszewska J, Dröes RM, Meiland FJM. Facilitators and barriers to adaptive implementation of the Meeting Centres Support Programme (MCSP) in three European countries; the process evaluation within the MEETINGDEM study. International Psychogeriatrics, (2018), 30:4, 527–537. doi: 10.1017/S1041610217001922

Van der Sanden MC, Farina E,  Saibene FL, Meiland FJM, Dröes RM, Westerman MJ, Chattat R. Implementation of the Dutch Meeting Centres Support Program for people with dementia and their carers in Milan: process evaluation of the preparation phase. Journal of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 65:1-12. [Epub ahead of print]

Van Haeften-van Dijk AM, Hattink BJ, Meiland FJ, Bakker TJ, Dröes RM. Is socially integrated community day care for people with dementia associated with higher user satisfaction and a higher job satisfaction of staff compared to nursing home-based day care? Aging & Mental Health. 2017 Jun;21(6):624-633. doi: 10.1080/13607863.2016.1144710.

Mangiaracina F et al. Not Re-inventing the Wheel: The Adaptive implementation of the Meeting Centres Support Programme in four European countries. Aging and Mental Health, 2017, 21(1):40-48.

Dröes RM, Meiland FJM, Evans S, Brooker D, Farina E, Szcześniak D, Van Mierlo LD, Orrell M, Rymaszewska J and Chattat R. Comparison of the adaptive implementation and evaluation of the Meeting Centers Support Program for people with dementia and their family carers in Europe; study protocol of the MEETINGDEM project. BMC Geriatrics, 2017, 17(1): 79-91.

Van Haeften-van Dijk AM, Meiland FJM, Hattink BJJ, Bakker TJEM, Dröes RM. Community day care with carer support versus usual nursing home-based day care: effects on needs, behavior, mood, and quality of life of people with dementia. International Psychogeriatrics, 2016, 28(4):631-45. doi: 10.1017/S1041610215001921.

Van Haeften-van Dijk AM, Meiland FJM, van Mierlo LD, Dröes RM. (2015). Transforming nursing home-based day care for people with dementia into socially integrated community day care: Process analysis of the transition of six day care centres. Int. J. Nurs. Stud., 2015, 52(8):1310-22. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2015.04.009

Dröes RM, Meiland FJM, Schmitz M, Tilburg W van. An evaluation of the Meeting Centres Support Programme among persons with dementia and their carers. Nonpharmacological Therapies in Dementia, 2011, 2(1)19-39.

Meiland FJM, Dröes RM, Lange J de, Vernooij-Dassen MJFJ, Tilburg W van. Predictors of effective support in meeting centers for people with dementia and their carers, Nonpharmacological therapies in dementia, 2010, 1(3) 251-270.

Dröes RM, Meiland FJM, Schmitz M, Tilburg W van, Mellenbergh GJ. Effect of Meeting Centres support programme on (indicators of) burden of family carers and delay of institutionalization of people with dementia; results from a multi-centre implementation study. Aging & Mental Health, 2006;10(2).

Meiland FJ, Kat MG, Tilburg van, Jonker C, Dröes RM. The emotional impact of psychiatric symptoms in dementia on partner caregivers: Do caregiver, patient, and situation characteristics make a difference? Alzheimer Dis Assoc Disord, 2005;19(4):195-201.

Osté J, Dröes RM. Ontwikkeling en implementatie van geïntegreerde ondersteuning voor Surinaamse mensen met dementie en hun mantelzorgers. Tijdschrift Gerontologie en Geriatrie, 2005;36:232-243.

Dröes RM, Meiland FJM, Schmitz M, Tilburg W van. Gecombineerde ondersteuning in Ontmoetingscentra voor mensen met dementie en hun mantelzorgers vergeleken met reguliere dagbehandeling. Tijdschrift Gerontologie en Geriatrie, 2005; 36:19-30.

Meiland FJM, Dröes RM, Lange J de, Vernooij-Dassen MJFJ. Facilitators and barriers in the implementation of the meeting centres model for people with dementia and their carers. Health Policy, 2005;71(2): 243-53.

FJM, Dröes RM, Lange J de, Vernooij-Dassen M. Development of a theoretical model for tracing facilitators and barriers in adaptive implementation of innovative practices in dementia care. Archives of Geriatrics and Gerontology, 2004; suppl. 9:279-290.

Dröes RM, Meiland FJM, Schmitz MJ, Boerema I, Derksen E, Lange J de, Vernooij-Dassen MJFJ, Tilburg W van. Variations in meeting centers for people with dementia and their carers: results of a multi-centre implementation study. Archives of Geriatrics and Gerontology, 2004; suppl. 9:127-148.

Dröes RM, Meiland FJM, Schmitz M, Tilburg W van. Effect of combined support for people with dementia and carers versus regular day care on behaviour and mood of persons with dementia: results from a multi-centre implementation study. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 2004;19:1-12.

Dröes RM, Breebaart E, Meiland FJM, Tilburg W van, Mellenbergh GJ Effect of Meeting Centres Support Programme on feeling of competence of family caregivers and delay of institutionalization of people with dementia. Aging & Mental Health, 2004;8(3):201-211.

Dröes RM, Meiland FJM, Lange J de, Vernooij-Dassen MJFJ, Tilburg W van. The meeting centres support programme: an effective way of supporting people with dementia who live at home and their carers. Dementia; The International Journal of Social Research and Practice, 2003;2(3):426-433.

Kat MG, Jonghe JFM de, Aalten P, Kalisvaart CJ, Dröes RM, Verhey FRJ. Neuropsychiatrische symptomen bij dementie: psychometrische aspecten van de Nederlandse Neuropsychiatric Inventory (NPI). Tijdschrift Gerontologie en Geriatrie, 2002;33:150-155.

Dröes RM, Breebaart E, Ettema TP, Meiland FJM, Mellenbergh GJ, Tilburg W van. Effect of Meeting Centers Support Program on persons with dementia and their carers. In: Andrieu, S. & Aquino, J-P (eds.) Research and Practice in Alzheimers disease, Family and professional carers: findings lead to action, 2002:161-166.

Dröes RM, Breebaart E, Tilburg W van, Mellenbergh GJ. The effect of integrated family support versus day care only on behavior and mood of patients with dementia. International Psychogeriatrics, 2000;12(1):99-116.

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